
The following contract implements the simplest form of a cryptocurrency. The contract allows the creation of new coins (i.e. minting) as well as sending coins from one address to another.

storage {
    total_supply: int,
    balances: (b256 => int),

// Sends an amount of newly created coins to an address
predicate Mint(receiver: b256, amount: int) {
    let receiver_balance = mut storage::balances[receiver]!;
    let total_supply = mut storage::total_supply!;

    constraint total_supply' == total_supply + amount;
    constraint receiver_balance' == receiver_balance + amount;

// Sends an amount of existing coins from address `from` to address `receiver`
predicate Send(from: b256, receiver: b256, amount: int) {
    let from_balance = mut storage::balances[from]!;
    let receiver_balance = mut storage::balances[receiver]!;

    constraint amount < from_balance;
    constraint from_balance' == from_balance - amount;
    constraint receiver_balance' == receiver_balance + amount;

This contract introduces some new concepts. Let's walk through it line by line.

The contract starts with a storage declaration that contains two storage variables:

  1. total_supply is of type int and represents the total supply of coins available at any given point in time.
  2. balances is a map from b256 to int and stores balances of addresses as integers. b256 is a primitive type that represents a 256-bit hash value and is used here to represent an address.

The contract also declares two predicates: Mint and Send.

The Mint predicate is fairly simple:

  1. It has two parameters receiver: b256 and amount: int. The goal of this predicate to mint amount coins and send them to receiver.
  2. It initializes a local variable called receiver_balance using the storage access expression mut storage::balances[receiver]. This syntax returns the value in balances that receiver maps to and makes it "mutable". The predicate also initializes another local variable called total_supply to mut storage::total_supply.
  3. It enforces two constraints:
    1. The first constraint requires the total supply to be incremented by amount.
    2. The second constraint requires the balance of receiver to be incremented by amount.

The Send predicate has the following structure:

  1. It has three parameters from: b256, receiver: b256, and amount: int. The goal of this predicate to send amount coins from address from to address receiver.
  2. It initializes a local variable called from_balance to the balance of from and another variable called receiver_balance to the balance of receiver. It also makes both balances "mutable".
  3. It enforces three constraints
    1. The first constraint requires from_balance to be larger than amount. That is, the address from must currently actually have enough coins to send to receiver.
    2. The second constraint effectively decrements the balance of from by amount, by requiring the next state of from_balance to be from_balance - amount.
    3. The third constraint effectively increments the balance of receiver by amount, by requiring the next state of receiver_balance to be receiver_balance + amount.

Note to make things simpler and easier to understand, this contract has no authentication anywhere in its code. That is, anyone can mint new coins and initiate a transfer from one arbitrary address to another. This, of course, is not the desired behavior for most cryptocurrencies. That being said, examples of authentication can be found in this Github repository.