The match Construct

Pint has the powerful construct match that allows you to inspect a value that has a union type and conditionally execute some code based on which union variant that union value matches. The power of match comes from the introduction of the union variant datum into a specific scope, and the fact that the compiler confirms that all possible variants are handled.

Pint has both match expressions and match statements, the distinction between which is illustrated below.

match as an Expression

Consider the following example which takes an unknown US coin and determines which coin it is and returns its value in cents:

union Coin = Penny | Nickel | Dime | Quarter;

predicate CoinConversion1(coin: Coin) {
    let coin_in_cents = match coin {
        Coin::Penny => 1,
        Coin::Nickel => 5,
        Coin::Dime => 10,
        Coin::Quarter => 25,

Let’s break down the match expression above. First we list the match keyword followed by an expression, which in this case is the value coin. This seems very similar to a conditional expression used with cond, but there’s a big difference: with cond, the condition needs to evaluate to a Boolean value, but here it has to be a union variant of Coin because this is the type of the value coin.

Next are the match arms. An arm has two parts: a pattern and some code. The first arm here has a pattern that is the value Coin::Penny and then the => operator that separates the pattern and the code to run. The code in this case is just the value 1. Each arm is separated from the next with a comma.

In this particular example, the code associated with each arm is an expression, and the resultant value of the expression in the matching arm is the value that gets returned for the entire match expression.

It is also possible to include constraints in the match arm code, but you must use curly brackets. For example, the following code requires the Boolean variable is_lucky_penny to be true if the value coin is a Coin::Penny.

predicate CoinConversion2(coin: Coin, is_lucky_penny: bool) {
    let coin_in_cents = match coin {
        Coin::Penny => {
            constraint is_lucky_penny;
        Coin::Nickel => 5,
        Coin::Dime => 10,
        Coin::Quarter => 25,

Patterns that Bind to Values

Another useful feature of match arms is that they can bind to the value that match the pattern. This is how we can extract values out of union variants.

As an example, let's change our union variants to hold data inside them. Namely, we want each variant to hold an int that represents the number of coins available:

union Coins = Penny(int) | Nickel(int) | Dime(int) | Quarter(int);

Now, given a value coins of type Coins, we can compute the total number of cents that coins is equivalent to as follows:

predicate CoinConversion3(coins: Coins) {
    let coins_in_cents = match coins {
        Coins::Penny(n) => n,
        Coins::Nickel(n) => n * 5,
        Coins::Dime(n) => n * 10,
        Coins::Quarter(n) => n * 25,

In the match expression above, we add a variable called n for each of the patterns. In each pattern, n will bind to the value that the union variant holds. For example, if coins is equal to Coin::Nickel(42), then we expect coins_in_cents to be equal to 42 * 5 == 210.

Note that match expressions can be nested. Here's an example that has nested unions and nested match expressions to compute a prize given a coin and the face it landed on in a head-or-tails game.

union Face = Head | Tail;
union CoinFace =  Penny(Face)
                | Nickel(Face)
                | Dime (Face)
                | Quarter(Face);

predicate CoinGame1(coin: CoinFace) {
    let prize = match coin {
        CoinFace::Penny(f) => match f {
            Face::Head => 100,
            Face::Tail => 200,
        CoinFace::Nickel(f) => 5 * match f {
            Face::Head => 10,
            Face::Tail => 20,
        CoinFace::Dime(f) => 10 * match f {
            Face::Head => 5,
            Face::Tail => 10,
        CoinFace::Quarter(f) => 25 * match f {
            Face::Head => 1,
            Face::Tail => 2,

match as a Statement

In some cases, you may not need a match to return a value. Instead, you may simply want to enforce conditional constraints based on which pattern matches the given value. Below is a rewrite of the previous example that uses match statements. The code exhibits the exact same behavior as before but written different to showcase match statements.

predicate CoinGame2(coin: CoinFace, prize: int) {
    match coin {
        CoinFace::Penny(f) => {
            match f {
                Face::Head => {
                    constraint prize == 100;
                Face::Tail => {
                    constraint prize == 200;
        CoinFace::Nickel(f) => {
            if f == Face::Head {
                constraint prize == 5 * 10;
            } else {
                constraint prize == 5 * 20;
        CoinFace::Dime(f) => {
            constraint f == Face::Head ? 10 * 5 : 10 * 10;
        CoinFace::Quarter(f) => {
            constraint prize == 25 * match f {
                Face::Head => 1,
                Face::Tail => 2,

Here, the top level match is a statement, not an expression; it does not return any value. Instead, it declares some constraints, each based on one or more conditions. .

  • If coin matches CoinFace::Penny(f), then we add another match statement that includes different constraints based on what pattern f matches.
  • If coin matches CoinFace::Nickel(f), then we add an if statement that also includes different constraints based on whether f is equal to Face::Head or not.
  • If coin matches CoinFace::Dime(f), then we add a single constraint that uses a select expression to compute the prize.
  • If coin matches CoinFace::Quarter(f), then we add a single constraint that relies on a match expression.

As shown, nested if statements and match statements are allowed within match statement arms, as are constraint statements.

Matches are Exhaustive

There’s one other aspect of match we need to discuss: the arms’ patterns must cover all possibilities. Consider the following version of variables coins and coins_in_cents previously declared:

let coins_in_cents = match coins {
    Coins::Penny(n) => n,
    Coins::Nickel(n) => n * 5,
    Coins::Quarter(n) => n * 25,

We didn't handle the Coins::Dime(n) case, so this code will cause a bug. Luckily, it's a bug the Pint compiler knows how to catch. If we try to compile this code, we'll get this error:

Error: not all match variants are covered
 42 │ ╭─▶     let coins_in_cents = match coins {
    ┆ ┆
 46 │ ├─▶     };
    │ │
    │ ╰──────────── not all variants for union `::Coins` are covered by match
    │     Help: branches and/or bindings are required for variant `Coins::Dime`
Error: could not compile `match.pnt` due to previous error

The Pint compiler knows that we didn't cover every possible case, and even knows which pattern we forgot. Matches in Pint are exhaustive: we must exhaust every last possibility in order for the code to be valid. This is true for both match expressions and match statements!

Catch-all Patterns

In the case where not every variant is significant, match expressions and statements may employ an else arm. It must be declared last and will obviously have no value bound, and is useful to evaluate to a default value for match expressions, or to contain default declarations (or none) for match statements.

To get the above example to compile with a default value of zero, implying any other coins actually have no value, an else may be used as follows:

    let coins_in_cents = match coins {
        Coins::Penny(n) => n,
        Coins::Nickel(n) => n * 5,
        Coins::Quarter(n) => n * 25,
        else => 0,

The code compiles, even though we haven't listed all the possible values a Coins can have, because the last pattern will match all values not specifically listed. This catch-all pattern meets the requirement that match must be exhaustive.