Invoking Predicates

If you've worked with imperative smart contract languages like Solidity in the past, you know that interactions between smart contracts are essential for many applications. One way to do this is by calling one contract from another contract. Pint has a similar concept where one predicate can invoke another predicate with some arguments. We use the word "invoke" here instead of "call" because, unlike imperative languages, predicates in Pint are not called in the traditional sense since that would imply the existence of a control flow (a "call" followed by a "return"). Instead, in Pint, predicate A can invoke predicate B with some arguments to indicate that B has to be present in the solution with this particular set of arguments, if A is also present in the solution. If this sounds confusing, don't worry. It will all be clear by the end of this chapter.

We cover two types of predicate invocations:

  1. External predicate invocation.
  2. Sibling predicate invocation.

Invoking External Predicates

Similar to accessing external storage, a predicate in an external contract can be invoked through an interface declaration corresponding to the external contract. When invoking the external predicate, the following are needed:

  1. The address of the external contract.
  2. The address of the predicate we want to access in that contract.
  3. A list of arguments.

Consider the following external smart contract that we would like interact with:

predicate foo(
    x: int,
    y: bool,
    t: { int, bool },
) {
    // predicate logic

// other predicates

To interact with this contract, we first need to generate its interface:

interface MyInterface {
    predicate foo(
        x: int,
        y: bool,
        t: { int, bool },

    // other predicates

Now, we can invoke predicate foo as follows:

const CONTRACT_ADDR = 0xEB87FCE275A9AB10996D212F39221A56B90E01C37FA9D16EE04A3FE8E17DEED9;
const FOO_ADDR = 0xBA6595C5C75346E6C82BED0CE770D0758ADD1712163FCE45E38E5E8EAC6AA153;

predicate bar(
    a: int,
    b: bool,
) {
    let tuple = { 42, b };
    constraint MyInterface[[CONTRACT_ADDR]]::foo[[FOO_ADDR]](a, true, tuple);

The predicate invocation expression has three parts separated by :::

  1. The name of the interface MyInterface followed by the address of the corresponding deployed contract in between [[..]]. This is quite similar to what we had to do to access external storage variables.
  2. The name of the predicate foo followed by the address of the corresponding predicate in the deployed contract.
  3. A list of arguments that must match the list parameters of foo in the interface.

In the above, the constraint:

    constraint MyInterface[[CONTRACT_ADDR]]::foo[[FOO_ADDR]](a, true, tuple);

can be interpreted as follows: any solution that solves predicate bar must also contain a solution for predicate foo such that:

  1. The address of foo is FOO_ADDR.
  2. The address of the contract that contains foo is CONTRACT_ADDR.
  3. The arguments provided for foo in the solution are equal to a, true, and tuple respectively.

Of course, for foo to be actually satisfied, the containing contract must exist and be deployed, the addresses must be correct, and the arguments must match (in number and types) what the deployed bytecode of foo actually expects.

Invoking Sibling Predicates

A special case for invoking predicates is when the invoked predicate is in the same contract as the predicate that is invoking it. There is no conceptual difference between this special case and the generalized case above expect that, because we are working in the same contract, there is no need to declare an interface for the contract. There is also no need to specify the address of the invoked predicate because the compiler can figure that out on its own! Here's an example:

predicate A(
    a: { bool, int },
    b: bool,
    c: int[3], 
) {
    // predicate logic

predicate B() {
    constraint A[[]]( { true, 42 }, false, [1, 2, 3]);

Here, predicate B invokes sibling predicate A by using its path (just A) and empty square brackets [[]] to indicate that the address is to be computed by the compiler. The constraint constraint A[[]](..) should be interpreted exactly as in the case of external predicate invocation: any solution that solves B should also contain a solution for A with the provided listed arguments.

One important caveat of the above is that you are not allowed to have cyclical dependencies between predicates. For example:

predicate A(x: int) {
    constraint B[[]](0);

predicate B(y: int) {
    constraint A[[]](0);

Here, predicate A invokes predicate B and predicate B invokes predicate A. This causes a cycle where the address of a predicate cannot be determined and used by the other. The compiler will emit the following error to prevent you from proceeding:

Error: dependency cycle detected between predicates
 1 │ predicate A(x: int) {
   │ ─────┬─────
   │      ╰─────── this predicate is on the dependency cycle
 7 │ predicate B(y: int) {
   │ ─────┬─────
   │      ╰─────── this predicate is on the dependency cycle
   │ Note: dependency between predicates is typically created via predicate instances

Another caveat is that a predicate cannot reference itself:

predicate C(x: int) {
    constraint C[[]](x);

The compiler will complain as follows:

Error: self referential predicate `::C`
 2 │     constraint C[[]](x);
   │                ────┬───
   │                    ╰───── this predicate call references the predicate it's declared in