
Unions allow you to define a type by enumerating its possible variants. Where structs and tuples give you a way of grouping together related fields and data, like a User with its status, address, and balance, unions give you a way of saying a value is one of possible set of values. For example, we may want to say that User is one of a set of possible account types that also includes Contract. To do this, Pint allows us to encode these possibilities as a union.

Let’s look at a situation we might want to express in code and see why unions are useful and more appropriate that structs in this case. Say we need to describe token ownership of one of three available tokens on an exchange: DAI, USDC, and USDT. Because these are the only tokens we can work with, we can enumerate them all as different variants:

union Token = DAI | USDC | USDT;

Note how the possible variants of Token are separated by a |. Token is now a custom data type that we can use elsewhere in our code. Any Token can now be DAI, USDC, or USDT but never 2 or more of these at the same time. That property of Token makes the union data structure appropriate because a union variant can only be one of its variants. All three tokens are still fundamentally tokens, so they should be treated as the same type when the code is handling situations that apply to any of these tokens.

Union Values

We can now create an instance of each of the three variants of Token like this:

let dai: Token = Token::DAI;
let usdc: Token = Token::USDC;
let usdt: Token = Token::USDT;

Note that the variants of the union are namespaced under its identifier, and we use a double colon to separate the two. This is useful because now all three values Token::DAI, Token::USDC, and Token::USDT are of the same type: Token. We can then, for instance, declare a variable called token_type to be of type Token and assign it to either variants depending some token ID:

let token_type: Token = cond {
    token_id == 0 => Token::DAI,
    token_id == 1  => Token::USDC,
    else => Token::USDT,

Using unions has even more advantages. Thinking more about our Token type, at the moment we don’t have a way to store the actual token amount; we only know what kind it is. Given what you know about structs and tuples, you might be tempted to tackle this problem with structs as follows:

type Balance = {
    token: Token,
    balance: int,

predicate balances_1() {
    let alice_bal: Balance = {
        token: Token::DAI,
        balance: 42,

    let bob_bal: Balance = {
        token: Token::USDC,
        balance: 96,

Here, we've defined a new type called Balance that has two fields: a token field that is of type Token (the union we defined previously) and a balance field of type int that represents the balance. We have two instances of this type. The first is alice_bal, and it has the value Token::DAI as its token with associated balance of 42. The second instance is bob_bal. It has another variant of Token as its kind value, Token::USDC, and has a balance of 96 associated with it. We've used a struct to bundle the token and balance values together, so now the variant is associated with the value.

However, representing the same concept using just a union is more concise: rather than a union inside a struct, we can put data directly into each union variant. This new definition of the Token union says that the variants DAI, USDC, and USDT will have associated int values:

union TokenBalance = DAI(int) | USDC(int) | USDT(int);

predicate balances_2() {
    let alice_bal: TokenBalance = TokenBalance::DAI(42);
    let bob_bal: TokenBalance = TokenBalance::USDC(96);

We attach data to each variant of the union directly, so there is no need for an extra struct. Also notice the syntax for constructing an instance of the union where the value held by a variant is added between parentheses after the variant name.

There's another advantage to using a union rather than a struct: each variant can have different types and amounts of associated data. Let's look at another example of a union that has a wide variety of types embedded in its variants:

union Action =   Quit                                // Quit the application
               | Buy (TokenBalance)                  // Buy some amount of a token
               | Sell({TokenBalance, price: int})    // sell some amount of a token at some price
               | Swap({TokenBalance, TokenBalance}); // Swap some amount of a token for another amount of some other token

This union has four variants with different types:

  • Quit has no data associated with it at all.
  • Buy includes a TokenBalance.
  • Sell and Swap includes tuples.

Defining a union with variants such as the ones above is similar to defining different kinds of struct definitions, except the union variants are grouped together under the Action type which makes it easier to reason about them as part of a single type.