
The "counter" is one of the simplest smart contracts that can be written in Pint. It showcases how a contract can have multiple predicates and how it can declare and use storage. This particular implementation of the "counter" contract is different from the one we encountered in the Quickstart Guide

storage {
    counter: int,

predicate Initialize {
    var value: int;
    state counter: int = mut storage::counter;
    constraint counter' == value;

predicate Increment {
    var amount: int;
    state counter: int = mut storage::counter;
    constraint counter' == counter + amount;

The contract starts by declaring a storage block which contains a single storage variable called counter of type int (i.e. integer). The contract later declares two separate predicates, each declaring three statements. Let's walk through the first predicate named Initialize:

  1. The first statement declares a decision variable. Decision variables are quite different from "regular" variables which you might be familiar with from imperative languages. Decision variables are variables that the solver is required to find values for. You can think of them as "arguments" that the solver has to set such that every constraint in the predicate evaluates to true. In Initialize, we are declaring a single decision variable called value of type int. This is the value that we want our counter to get initialized to.
  2. The second statement declares a state variable and initializes it to mut storage::counter. State variables are special variables that always need to be initialized to a storage access expression. The statement state counter: int = mut storage::counter creates a state variable called counter and initializes it to the current value of counter declared in the storage block. The mut keyword simply indicates that the solver is allowed to propose a new value for counter. If mut is not present, then the storage variable counter cannot be modified by anyone attempting to solve predicate Initialize.
  3. The third statement contains the core logic of this predicate. It declares that the "next value" of state counter must be equal to value. Note the ' notation here which can be only applied to a state variable, and means "the next value of the state variable after a valid state transition".

The second predicate, called Increment, has a similar structure to Initialize. However, instead of initializing counter, It increments it by amount. Note that both counter (the current value) and counter' (the next value) are both used in the constraint to enforce that the next value is dependent on the current value, which was not the case in Initialize.


We won't go too deep into the solving process here but it's worth mentioning what a solution to this predicate might look like. Broadly speaking, a solution contains two things:

  1. An assignment of all the decision variables in the predicate.
  2. A list of all the state mutations proposed.

For example, if a user wants the value of the counter to be 42 they (or a solver acting on their behalf) can propose a solution to Initialize that looks like this:

# decision variables:
value: 42

# state mutations:
0: 42

This solution proposes a value of 42 for the decision variable value and a new value of 42 for the storage key 0 where counter is stored (we will go over the storage data layout later!). Note that the storage key 0 where counter is stored can be modified by the solution because of the mut keyword added before storage::counter.

A solution must also indicate which predicate is being solved using its address but we're omitting that here for simplicity.

Alternatively, a solution to Increment can be proposed to satisfy the user requirement counter = 42. For example, if the current value of counter happens to be 35, then the following solution to Increment can be proposed:

# decision variables:
amount: 7

# state mutations:
0: 42

It should be easy to verify that this solution satisfies the constraint counter' == counter + amount; from Increment.