Deploy & Solve

Now that we've built our simple counter contract, let's deploy it to a local test network, and update the counter by solving our Increment predicate.

Before we begin, we'll make the essential-builder, pint, and essential-rest-client tools available to our current shell:

nix shell github:essential-contributions/essential-integration#essential

Running a Test Builder

Before we can deploy our contract, we need somewhere to deploy it to. Let's run a local, in-memory test instance of the essential-builder tool.

The builder will run forever so let's run it in a seperate terminal. Open a new terminal, run the nix shell command above to make the builder tool available, and run it like so:

essential-builder --node-api-bind-address "" --builder-api-bind-address ""

Now we're running a local instance of the builder. We should see some output like the following:

2024-11-14T11:58:14.359260Z  INFO essential_builder_cli: Initializing node DB
2024-11-14T11:58:14.364424Z  INFO essential_builder_cli: Starting node API server at
2024-11-14T11:58:14.364439Z  INFO essential_builder_cli: Initializing builder DB
2024-11-14T11:58:14.365863Z  INFO essential_builder_cli: Starting builder API server at
2024-11-14T11:58:14.365887Z  INFO essential_builder_cli: Running the block builder

We can see that the builder exposes 2 APIs:

  1. A node API at localhost on port 3553. This allows for querying the state of our local single-node blockchain.
  2. A builder API at localhost on port 3554. This allows for submitting solutions to have them included in a block.

Note: If we do not specify the --node-api-bind-address or --builder-api-bind-address options, the builder will randomly select available ports for the node and builder APIs respectively.

Tip: To see more detailed logs from the builder, we can run it with the RUST_LOG environment variable set to debug or trace, e.g.

RUST_LOG=trace essential-builder

Contract Deployment

Using the pint deploy plugin, we can deploy our built counter contract to the local test builder:

pint deploy --builder-address "" --contract "./out/debug/counter.json"

Upon success, the builder will send us the content address of the solution used to deploy the contract. We'll learn more about solutions in the following sections. For now, this is enough to know our contract is deployed!

Solving Predicates

In order to update contract state, a solution must solve one of the contract's predicates.

Let's try updating our contract's counter state by solving its Increment predicate.

A solution requires 3 components:

  1. predicate_to_solve: The full address of the predicate we wish to solve. This includes both the contract and predicate content addresses. If we look back at our pint build step, we'll notice that these addresses are printed to the command line:

    $ pint build
       Compiling counter [contract] (/Users/mindtree/Desktop/counter/contract)
        Finished build [debug] in 13.38825ms
        contract counter            1899743AA94972DDD137D039C2E670ADA63969ABF93191FA1A4506304D4033A2
             └── counter::Increment 355A12DCB600C302FFD5D69C4B7B79E60BA3C72DDA553B7D43F4C36CB7CC0948

    Note that your addresses might be slightly different if using a newer compiler version.

  2. predicate_data: A list of input data values (aka "decision variables" in pint) that are expected by the predicate. Our Increment predicate takes no parameters, so here we can specify an empty list.

  3. state_mutations: The state mutations we wish to propose. In our case, we want to initialise the counter storage variable to 1.

    Note: In state mutations, both keys and values are variable-sized arrays of Words. As counter is the only variable, we can assume it is at key [0]. As the type of counter is int, we only need a single Word to represent the value, e.g. [1].

When represented as JSON, our full solution looks as follows:

    "solutions": [
            "predicate_to_solve": {
                "contract": "1899743AA94972DDD137D039C2E670ADA63969ABF93191FA1A4506304D4033A2",
                "predicate": "355A12DCB600C302FFD5D69C4B7B79E60BA3C72DDA553B7D43F4C36CB7CC0948"
            "predicate_data": [],
            "state_mutations": [
                    "key": [0],
                    "value": [1]

Lets put the above JSON in a solutions.json file.

Note: We use the plural "solutions" here, as the following pint submit command actually supports submitting whole sets of solutions simultaneously.

To submit our solution to the local builder, we can now use the following command:

pint submit --builder-address "" --solutions "./solutions.json"

As confirmation that the builder received our solution, it responds with the content address of the set.

However, this is not enough to know whether or not our solution was included in a block, or whether it passed the contract's constraints at all.

To check whether or not our solution was successful, we can query the state of our contract's counter storage variable using the builder's node API:

pint query --node-address "" --contract-address "1899743AA94972DDD137D039C2E670ADA63969ABF93191FA1A4506304D4033A2" counter

Here, we're providing the address of the node API:

--node-address ""

the counter's contract address:

--contract-address "1899743AA94972DDD137D039C2E670ADA63969ABF93191FA1A4506304D4033A2"

and the name of the storage variable which we want to query (currently this is only supported for scalar types):


As an alternative to the name of the variable, you can provide an 8-byte hex-formatted key, as such:

--key 0000000000000000

Tip: Refer to the relevant section in The Book of Pint for more information on storage keys.

Upon success, the node responds with:


And that's it! We can continue to submit solutions and update state in this manner - as long as our solutions satisfy the contract's predicates.

Tip: Use essential-rest-client --help to find more useful queries, including list-blocks and latest-solution-failures.

Constructing Solutions for Apps

Rather than manually writing JSON files to construct solutions and interact with contracts, it will be more common to automatically create solutions from application code.

In the following chapter, we will demonstrate how to do so with the Rust programming language.

It is not a requirement to use Rust in order to use Essential, we just happen to be Rust devs. The following section is completely optional but you may find it useful to see how we interact with the contract (even if you don't know Rust).