
Now that we have our predicate written, we can compile the code using the pint tool.

cd counter/contract
pint build

This will create a new directory inside the contract directory called out.
Because this is a debug build, you can find the compiled contract at counter/contract/out/debug/counter.json.

There is also a counter-abi.json file in the same directory that contains the counter contract's ABI.

The ABI for the counter looks like this:

  "predicates": [
      "name": "::Increment",
      "params": []
  "storage": [
      "name": "counter",
      "ty": "Int"

Note that yours may look slightly different depending on the version of the compiler you are using.

In the next section, we'll learn how to run a local test node, deploy our contract, and update the onchain counter state by solving its predicate.