Rust front end

In this section we will build a simple front end application in Rust to interact with the counter contract.

As previously mentioned there is no reason you have to use Rust to build a front end application.
You could use any language you like.
This chapter is optional but you may find it useful to see how to interact with the contract (even if you don't know Rust).

Install Rust

If you don't have Rust and Cargo installed you can follow the instructions here.

If you are using Nix you can follow these instructions to get Rust.

If you are using nix you can simply run the following command to launch a dev shell with all the necessary tools installed:

nix develop github:essential-contributions/essential-integration#dev

Or you can create your own flake using:

cd counter
nix flake init -t github:essential-contributions/essential-integration
nix develop