Create Solution

In this step, we will add a function that accepts the predicate address and the desired count for setting the state.

The solution includes a single Solution that satisfies the given predicate (although other solutions may solve multiple predicates). In this case the predicate requires no input data so the predicate_data field is set to the default.

We will also add a single state mutation where the counter is updated to some new_count.

fn main() {
pub fn create_solution_set(new_count: Word) -> SolutionSet {
    let state_mutations: Vec<Mutation> = storage::mutations().counter(new_count).into();
    SolutionSet {
        solutions: vec![Solution {
            predicate_to_solve: Increment::ADDRESS,
            predicate_data: Default::default(),

Here, we're using method counter(..) to provide the new value for the counter. Note that storage::mutations(), counter(..), and Increment::ADDRESS are available from the expansion of the gen_from_file macro.