Public Decision Variables

By default, all decision variables are private. That is, they are only accessible from within the predicate that declares them. There is no way to reason about the value of a private decision variable from outside the predicate. This, however, may not be sufficient to build certain applications. It also imposes limitations on how contracts are written: if a predicate requires data from another predicate, then the two predicates must be combined.

We've already looked at one class of variables that are always public: storage variables. While storage variables allow us to share data between predicates, they are the wrong tool for our use case because they are persistent. What we want is a class of variables that can be shared between predicates but that are temporary. That is, their value should no longer be relevant after a solution is submitted and validated. Pint solves this problem by allow decision variables to be public via the pub keyword.

Declaring Public Decision Variables

Declaring public decision variables is fairly simple. All you have to do is prefix the var declaration with the keyword pub:

predicate Foo {
    pub var x: int;
    pub var y: b256;
    pub var t: { int, bool, b256 };

    var a: int;
    var b: bool;
    var c: int[4];

    constraint a + x > 3;
    constraint y == 0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;
    constraint !t.1 && b;

In the predicate above, we are declaring 3 public decision variables and 3 private decision variables.

Accessing public decision variables within the predicate that defines them is no different from accessing private decision variables. The example above also declares 3 constraints that access both types of decision variables in various ways.

Public Decision Variables in Interfaces

Recall that for each contract, an interface can be produced that exposes all public elements of a contract: the storage block as well as all the predicates and their public decision variables. For example, the following interface can be produced from the contract above:

interface MyInterface {
    // storage block, if present

    predicate Foo {
        pub var x: int;
        pub var y: b256;
        pub var t: { int, bool, b256 };

    // other predicates, if present

Note that everything in predicate Foo was dropped except for pub var declarations.

Next, we will show how to use an interface to access public decision variables of an external predicate.

External Access to Public Decision Variables

In Chapter 5.3 we covered how to use interfaces to access storage variables from an external context. Accessing public decision variables from an external context requires similar steps.

First, we need to declare an interface instance using the syntax we learned in Chapter 5.3

    interface MyInterfaceInstance = MyInterface(ContractID);

where ContractID is the address of the contract where the public decision variables are declared. Then, and because the public decision variables live inside a predicate, we need to declare a predicate instance as follows:

    predicate FooInstance = MyInterfaceInstance::Foo(PredicateID);

Similarly to interface instance declarations, a predicate instance declaration requires an address. Each predicate has a 256-bit address that identifies it on the blockchain. The above declares an interface instance called FooInstance of predicate Foo and with address PredicateID. Note that we refer to the predicate Foo in the declaration using the interface instance name followed by ::Foo.

Now that we have an instance of Foo, we are able to access its public decision variables using a path that contains the predicate instance name and the name of the variable:

    var m: int;
    var n: bool;

    constraint m * FooInstance::x > 8;
    constraint FooInstance::y == 0x2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;
    constraint FooInstance::t.1 && n;

Public Decision Variables in Solutions

Sharing data between two predicates using public decision variables only makes sense if the solution that we are trying to validate actually solves both predicates. For example, if predicate Foo exposes pub var x; and predicate Bar uses x, then a solution that solves Bar must also solve Foo since Bar requires data from Foo, namely x.

Every solution contains a list of the predicates it solves. Some predicates might even be solved multiple times in the same solution! This may be surprising to you but you can imagine multiple instances of the same predicate being solved with different values. After all, predicates can generally be solved in many different ways depending on how restrictive their constraints are.

As a result, each predicate instance declaration must somehow specify which part of the solution it is referring to. The Pint compiler accomplishes this by adding an implicit decision variable that represents the index of the solved predicate in the solution. An implicit decision variable is added for each predicate instance declaration. Therefore, in the example below:

    interface MyInterfaceInstance = MyInterface(ContractID);
    predicate FooInstance1 = MyInterfaceInstance::Foo(PredicateID);
    predicate FooInstance2 = MyInterfaceInstance::Foo(PredicateID);
    var x1 = FooInstance1::x;
    var x2 = FooInstance2::x;

the variables x1 and x2 may not be the same since they may refer to two different values of x in the solution (if Foo is solved multiple times).

Accessing Public Decision Variables From a Sibling Contract

Public decision variables, being public, are also visible from predicates in the same contract as the predicate that declares them. While working within a single contract, you may want one predicate to access another predicate's public decision variables. This can be done, again, using predicate instances. The difference here is that, because we're working in the same contract, there is no need to declare an interface for that contract and an interface instance. There is also no need to specify an address for the predicate instance because the compiler can figure that out on its own! Here's an example:

predicate A {
    pub var x: int;    

predicate B {
    predicate AI1 = A();
    predicate AI2 = A();
    constraint AI1::x == AI2::x * 2;

Here, AI1 and AI2 are two instances of predicate A which exposes a single public decision variable called x. We are then requiring that the value of x in the first instance is double the value of x in the second instance.

One important caveat of the above is that you are not allowed to have cyclical dependencies between predicates. For example:

predicate A {
    pub var x: int;    

    predicate BI = B();
    constraint BI::y == 69;

predicate B {
    pub var y: int;    

    predicate AI = A();
    constraint AI::x == 42;

Here, predicate A requires predicate B and predicate B requires predicate A. This causes a cycle where the addresses of a predicate cannot be determined and used by the other. The compiler will emit the following error to prevent you from proceeding:

Error: dependency cycle detected between predicates
 3 │ predicate A {
   │ ─────┬─────
   │      ╰─────── this predicate is on the dependency cycle
10 │ predicate B {
   │ ─────┬─────
   │      ╰─────── this predicate is on the dependency cycle
   │ Note: dependency between predicates is typically created via predicate instances

Another caveat is that a predicate cannot reference itself:

predicate C {
    pub var x: int;    

    predicate CI = C();
    constraint CI::x == 69;

The compiler will complain as follows:

Error: self referential predicate `C`
 6 │     predicate CI = C();
   │     ─────────┬────────
   │              ╰────────── this predicate instance references the predicate it's declared in