
Continuing on from where we left off in the last test we will now read and increment the counter.

Continue adding to the bottom of the same test.

`tests/counter.rs` code from previous section.
fn main() {
use essential_app_utils::{compile::compile_pint_project, local_server::setup_server};
use counter_app::App;
use essential_types::{PredicateAddress, Word};

async fn test_counter() {
    let (addr, _server) = setup_server().await.unwrap();

    let counter = compile_pint_project(
        concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/../contract").into(),

    let contract_address = essential_hash::contract_addr::from_contract(&counter);
    let predicate_address = essential_hash::content_addr(&counter.predicates[0]);
    let predicate_address = PredicateAddress {
        contract: contract_address,
        predicate: predicate_address,

    let mut wallet = essential_wallet::Wallet::temp().unwrap();
        .new_key_pair("alice", essential_wallet::Scheme::Secp256k1)

    essential_deploy_contract::sign_and_deploy(addr.clone(), "alice", &mut wallet, counter)

    // Add new code here.


Create a new App we defined earlier in the lib.rs.

fn main() {
async fn test_counter() {
    // ...

    let app = App::new(addr, predicate_address).unwrap();

Read the current count value and assert that it's 0.

fn main() {
async fn test_counter() {
    // ...

    assert_eq!(app.read_count().await.unwrap(), 0);

Increment the counter. Remember this creates and submits the solution.

fn main() {
async fn test_counter() {
    // ...


Stepping out of the test function for a second. We want to check for new state however the state only changes once a solution has been included in a block.
Add this wait_for_change function that will check if the state is the expected value. If it is not then it will wait one second and check again.

fn main() {
async fn wait_for_change(app: &App, expected: Word) {
    loop {
        if app.read_count().await.unwrap() == expected {

Back in the test function now let's use the wait_for_change we just wrote to wait for the count to reach 1.

fn main() {
async fn test_counter() {
    // ...

    wait_for_change(&app, 1).await;

Exciting the your solution has successfully satisfied the constraints and the state has been mutated.

Now just to make sure let's increment it again.

fn main() {
async fn test_counter() {
    // ...


And wait for the state to change.

fn main() {
async fn test_counter() {
    // ...

    wait_for_change(&app, 2).await;

The state has changed again to 2!

Check your `tests/counter.rs` matches this.
fn main() {
use essential_app_utils::{compile::compile_pint_project, local_server::setup_server};
use counter_app::App;
use essential_types::{PredicateAddress, Word};

async fn test_counter() {
    let (addr, _server) = setup_server().await.unwrap();

    let counter = compile_pint_project(
        concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/../contract").into(),

    let contract_address = essential_hash::contract_addr::from_contract(&counter);
    let predicate_address = essential_hash::content_addr(&counter.predicates[0]);
    let predicate_address = PredicateAddress {
        contract: contract_address,
        predicate: predicate_address,

    let mut wallet = essential_wallet::Wallet::temp().unwrap();
        .new_key_pair("alice", essential_wallet::Scheme::Secp256k1)

    essential_deploy_contract::sign_and_deploy(addr.clone(), "alice", &mut wallet, counter)

    let app = App::new(addr, predicate_address).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(app.read_count().await.unwrap(), 0);


    wait_for_change(&app, 1).await;

    wait_for_change(&app, 2).await;

async fn wait_for_change(app: &App, expected: Word) {
    loop {
        if app.read_count().await.unwrap() == expected {

Run the test

Run the test and check it all works.

cargo test

Congratulations on building your first essential application.
It may be a very simple example but this declarative way of creating applications is very powerful. \

In future sections we will dive into more complex and interesting applications.

This concludes the "hello world" introduction to the essential system.